Why you should have a Testamentary Trust Will

Testamentary Trust Wills Testamentary Trust Wills are an uncommonly known instrument that are available to anyone who is minded to bolster the likelihood of their final wishes being carried out. A Testamentary Trust Will provides your executor(s) with added safeguards and flexibility to carry out your final wishes which is described in further detail below. …

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Factors considered in family law property settlements

When a marriage or a de facto relationship breaks down, the Family Court of Australia and Federal Circuit Court of Australia adopt the following steps to determine an appropriate property settlement: Step 1: The first step is to determine the asset pool available for distribution between the parties. This step involves identifying and valuing the …

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Parenting Plan or Orders

Following separation, some parents are able to maintain good communication with each other and actively encourage the relationship between their child/children and the other parent.  In these circumstances an informal unwritten agreement regarding the care of the child/children may be appropriate.  In all other circumstances, you may need assistance in reaching an agreement with the …

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